Saturday, September 10, 2005

I gave a SEMINAR!!!!!!!

Today, I gave my seminar !!! I am feeling much relaxed now that I have given it, I wish I could have done better.
For the last one week, I had worked hard to write my seminar report. This is because unlike many other people, I wrote the whole seminar report in my own words. I had started reading about my topic.....oops!I forgot to mention was 'Network Security'.... nearly a month back. I had got acquainted with most of the concepts much earlier...but then I believe that some form of last minute brushing up is required( the way this 'brushing-up' lasted for the whole week!!!!!!!!!)
As usual, something had to go wrong....the LCD projector that was required for our presentations was unfortunately not available. The teachers insisted on we doing the presentations on a 'kam-chalau' basis...but I was the first one to oppose this idea.After all, I had to experience the thrill at least once......
It was not the case that I was presenting myself before a large crowd (...which actually turned out to be only localites....a paltry crowd that one!!). I have been infront of real 'massive' crowds right since my childhood. But somehow, I was a little apprehensive about going onto the dias.God knows why!
The Seminar lasted for a whole 20 minutes. It was a good one, considering that I hardly made any mistakes. The real problem was my content....there was so much that I wanted to talk about....but I had to wrap it up in 15 minutes. So I actually ended up speaking much more than people could even understand in that time. It was a sort of 'Network Security Express'!!!!!
All in all, I am happy with the way it worked out. After all, I had taken this thing so had to!!!


Blogger Anil said...

Hey Abhinav I suggest you a blog. A really good blog. It is called 'Youth Curry' by Rashmi Bansal.

10:04 PM  

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