Saturday, October 15, 2005

PLs - The Engineer's Nightmare!! Or is it?

PL- Synonymous with the world of engineering, these two letters remind engineering students of hell (at least me!!)Simply put, PLs are those two periods of the year where non-engineering people enjoy to the fullest while engineers-to-becompletely bull-slog!
Because of the semester patterns, the ritual of exams land up twice in a year...and engineers fall prey to this 'double trouble'!Never prepared for the entire 4 months available, engineers start the preps right in the PLs. Unfortunately, these are the same periods when festivities and celebrations of all shapes and sizes throng the calender. So in the summers, while everyoneis 'making hay while the sun shines', engineers literally 'burn the midnight oil'! The winters are no exception, with the early morning snuggle under the warm blanket enjoyed blissfully by non-engineers while engineers shiver it out in the early morning chill.....unforutnate!!!
Nevertheless, this is the same period when students learn how to lead a life that is not roses all the way.They understand the real worth of time and the importance of doing things in a systematic manner.Discipline is automatically imbibed inthem and the seeds of hard work are sowed here itself! Not to mention the priceless moments spent with close pals that always rev up the tired and outdone minds. The late night coffee, outings at odd hours and the junk food....all spice up the PL life in a way that perhaps nothing does it!!And after all this, when the results show up good, all that was done in the PL suddenly starts seeming so fruitful! Of coursethe results don't always speak good!For some who haven't really acquired the technique of studying in PLs, engineering life continues to be a nightmare!!!
PLs are an inseparable part of Engineering, I feel!!
NJOI!!! ;-)


Blogger Anil said...

I really liked the post. Keep it up!

7:09 AM  

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